Telemedicine App : Case Study

We have developed a systematic and functional telemedicine application bridging the gap between healthcare facility providers, medical stores, and patients. Our app is a single interface for seamless communication for booking clinical appointments and consultations and placing medicine orders right from the comfort of your home.

SolGuruz Telemedicine App




Mobile, Web, Backend, Cloud

Project length

12 months


UX/UI Design, Web Development, Backend APIs, CMS Panel, Cloud

Overview of the SolGuruz Telemedicine App

Overview of the Telemedicine App

Our client wanted to enhance the patient experience by seamlessly developing a telemedicine app to simplify the communication between doctors, pharmacists, and patients. We came up with a feasible solution that can help with booking appointments, placing medicine orders, and proceeding with payments.

The Problem

Regulatory compliance and security concerns were one of the biggest challenges we faced while designing and developing the telemedicine app. For our telemedicine app to comply with the USA laws, creating it with HIPAA regulations was mandatory. Moreover, the other challenges we faced were user experience and technical scalability. Many telemedicine apps are already available in the market. To compete with the best online medicine-selling apps, designing an excellent UI without compromising any technical infrastructure within the app's interface was challenging.

The Solution

Our team analyzed the various healthcare regulations prevailing in the USA and started obtaining legal guidance to make our app HIPAA-compliant. Also, we implemented strong data encryption to ensure the complete safety of the patient's or user's data. Moreover, to deliver an excellent UI/UX, our team made it look intuitive yet simple for easy navigation. We started prioritizing the app's responsiveness to enhance the end user's experience across all the devices.

SolGuruz Telemedicine Doctor App

The Role of the SolGuruz Team

UI/UX Design

Design is the core of any mobile application. Our team developed an easy-to-navigate interface for the telemedicine application to help patients quickly book and buy medicines. Also, we ensured a safe payment gateway for allowing the patients to pay for the consultation or medicines online. We, therefore, came up with an exciting app design format that proves highly affirmative and engaging for the end users.

Development & Launch

Post-design, our full-stack development team was busy developing the telemedicine application's frontend, backend, and database. We wanted to deliver a clean, efficient, and scalable code that can be easily edited in the future for app improvements and upgrades. Finally, we developed a worthwhile product for the online medicine industry and made it LIVE.

The Role of the SolGuruz Team In Telemedicine App

Our End-to-End Development Process

We at SolGuruz follow a detailed software development process to deliver excellence. Let’s dive deep into the process.

Demand and Ball-Park Quotation Phase

Here, we understand the client’s initial and long-term job requirements to give a valid yet reliable quotation mentioning cost and timeline.

UX/UI Design

Our development team starts settling for the application's core by defining a user-perspective UI/UX interface to attract maximum engagement.

Development and Testing

We follow the agile development process for building a thoughtful and reliable app, followed by rigorous app testing practices to launch a fully-functional app.


We optimize the software with 100% configuration to launch it in the LIVE market by setting up servers, data management, and other infrastructure components.

Solution We Provided

Here is the final look at the telemedicine application we have designed and developed after facing many challenges.

Highlighted Features

Let's dive deep into the list of features that we designed and developed for the telemedicine application.

SolGuruz’s efforts were met with positive acclaim, thanks to their attention to detail and agile methods. The team was highly receptive to questions and feedback, and internal stakeholders were particularly impressed with the vendor's personable approach and flexibility.

Arinze Onye

CEO, Nursing Home LLC

Final Result Of Telemedicine App

Final Result


We built the telemedicine app with HIPAA regulations.


Easy and engaging user interface for the patient's and doctor's app.


Secure messaging with end-to-end encryption.


Integrated third-party apps for online payment methods.

SolGuruz Telemedicine Doctor App Solution Home ScreenSolGuruz Telemedicine Doctor App Solution Appointment ScreenSolGuruz Telemedicine Doctor App Solution Virtual Consultation ScreenSolGuruz Telemedicine Patient App Solution Home ScreenTelemedicine App Availability ScreenTelemedicine App Appointment Details ScreenTelemedicine App Filter ScreenTelemedicine App Completed AppointmentTelemedicine App Write Presentation

Security & Data Backup Practices Implemented

There are various aspects of security taken care of. They include Network security, Data security, Cloud Security Application security and Endpoint security.

HIPAA Compliance

Implemented HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.) policies such as authentication control, access control, ensured data transmission security, and ensured data backup and storage.

Data Encryption

Encrypted the data both in transit and at rest by using methods like full disk encryption and Encrypted web connection(HTTP protocol with SSL certificate.

oAuth 2.0

oAUTH2.0 helps prevent maliious attacks orchestrated by unauthorized users and makes sure that system is accessed by only authorized and authenticated users.

AWS Firewall

Configured Firewalls on AWS instances and databases to allow limited access.

Source code obfuscation

Implemented Source code obfuscation practices to make the source-code in unreadable format, and so it would be difficult to temper or reverse engineer the released app’s executable file.

Automated Backup and Rollback

Configured cloud instances to take backup at regular intervals and so a particular version can be rolled back when required automatically.

Tech Stack We Used For Developing The Telemedicine App

We used the following technologies for designing and developing the Telemedicine, application.

React js

Looking For Custom Telemedicine Application Development?
