Top 10 React Component Frameworks in 2024

Dive deep into the top React component frameworks, explore their potential benefits, and find out which one is best suited for a web project.

By Lokesh Dudhat

Last updated on: April 27, 2024

Top 10 React Component Frameworks

This article will dive deep into the nitty-gritty of the top ten React frameworks and examine the potential benefits of integrating them into your web development projects.

One of the most prominent advancements in web technology is the proliferation of front-end JavaScript frameworks. The frameworks enable web apps to use an API (application program interface) just like any other program would. They also lead to a better website experience by easing the navigation flow, keeping common parts of the page intact to improve the reloading speed, and much more.

There are multiple front-end frameworks enabled by leading technology companies, such as Angular by Google and React by Facebook. Let’s get started.

Top 10 React Component Frameworks

Top React Component Frameworks

React component framework is a software suite that contains a built-in set of interfaces and classes as a part of the ReactJS library. It provides a ready-to-use React UI subsystem and helps add structure to create custom UI screens, websites, or other visual elements.

The React component framework makes it possible to curate unique, responsive, and cross-platform apps without extensive knowledge or experience. Some benefits of React component frameworks include

  • It makes the development process quick and effortless as developers don’t have to write codes from scratch.
  • The time to create a prototype and MVP development is minimal.
  • React frameworks offer a high degree of control and flexibility while customizing the components.
  • Most React component frameworks are responsive by default; they impart cross-device and cross-platform functionalities.
  • Many popular React frameworks are open-source. Therefore, suggesting features, sending pull requests, raising issues, or contributing to the said frameworks is easy and accessible.

Without further ado, let us dive into the top ten react frameworks in 2024.

1. Ant Design for React

Ant Design for React

With 82k stars and 36k forks on GitHub, Ant Design, also known as AntD, is a prominent React framework often used to build enterprise applications. It is actually written in Typescript with static types.

AntD is based on the Ant Design project and comes with a selection of premium components and examples for creating vibrant, dynamic user interfaces (UIs). Additionally, you can alter the components to meet your design requirements. Some prominent Ant Design elements include grids, breadcrumbs, drop-down menus, and pagination.

AntD differs significantly from other frameworks as it doesn’t have as many themes. It features 12 pre-built themes that cost from $12 to $999. AntD provides AntD Pro, which includes packages, components, templates, and other graphical solutions for data visualization. Some well-known businesses that used AntD to create their websites include Alibaba, Ant Financial, Tencent, and Baidu.

Popular Design Components of AntD

  • Buttons – Clickable options for an event
  • Icon – Vector-like images
  • Steps- Display completion of steps
  • Datepicker – To select any date
  • AutoComplete – Shows available text suggestions after user input

Prominent Features of AntD

  • Offers premium quality React components
  • It has a vast community of developers
  • It offers quick and easy support
  • It consists of enterprise-level UI components
  • It offers a variety of development tools and design resources

Pros of Ant Design UI

  • AntD enables the use of multiple languages
  • It offers theme customization
  • It is written in TypeScript
  • It uses static and predictable types
  • Enables cross-platform compatibility
  • Support by modern browsers and IE 11

Limitations of Ant Design UI

  • Large bundle size
  • Insufficient accessibility support

2. React-Bootstrap

React Bootstrap - React UI Framework

Stars: 21.1K
Forks: 3.4K

React Bootstrap is an ideal choice if you want a front-end React UI framework for web development.

It has been at the forefront of web development trends lately. It offers a complete React experience that does not depend on jQuery completely. Being one of the first React libraries, it also has several components.

These components have also been created to maximize accessibility. To make your theme, plugin, or app accessible to its users, you won’t need to modify them.

You can prototype your applications using this UI framework after designing them in the back end. React Bootstrap might be a great option for developer teams working on various components of their applications.

Popular Design Components of React-Bootstrap

  • Alerts – Display text messages about an event
  • Breadcrumb – Enables showing the current location of your website
  • Drop-downs – Display a List of options available after clicking
  • NavBars – Header navigation menus to display
  • Pagination – Shows paginated pages

Prominent Features of React-Bootstrap

  • It offers a wide range of components
  • It comes with a package manager for easy installation
  • No dependencies required
  • Plenty of resources available

Pros of React-Bootstrap

  • You can easily build React app without worrying about underlying HTML and CSS
  • It encapsulates in the elements
  • It is easy to use and uses JSX Syntax
  • Build any web or mobile application
  • Accessible Bootstrap themes
  • Eliminates dependencies on other libraries

Limitations of React-Bootstrap

  • Customizing components can be challenging
  • To change the behavior of an element, you’ll need to write some CSS and JS

3. Reactstrap

Reactstrap - React Component Framework

Stars: 10.4K
Fork: 1.3K

Reactstrap provides simple React Bootstrap components with two primary distribution versions. One version is minimal, lacks all optional dependencies, and gives you more flexibility while putting up required dependencies.

The second version is the final product with all the add-on dependencies. It is suggested for usage in smaller applications. It is a collection of React UI components with 10k-star makers and 1.3k forks on Github.

Reactstrap includes reusable components that may be used in React programs. Even though Reactstrap and Bootstrap are similar, they use different CSS classes and JS functions. Its UI elements have a straightforward design, are responsive, and can be utilized to build many online apps.

Reactstrap has fewer components than other libraries because it is a newer library. If you want a straightforward design and do not want to be overrun by options, Reactstrap can be advantageous.

The top web development companies can use Reactstrap to build individual components or to create the entire UI. Reactstrap offers more freedom and specified validation — making it easier to create appealing forms that draw in more users.

Besides that, it provides extensive documentation to help developers. Reactstrap is a simple component library that is nonetheless simple to use for newcomers. Furthermore, the Reactstrap community is always there for adequate support and to help you with your project.

Popular Design Components of Reactstrap

  • Accordion – A vertical collapsible text box
  • Carousel – To give a slider-like look
  • Table – To add table data
  • Forms – For user input forms
  • Badge – To add a label

Prominent Features of Reactstrap

  • Pre-built components
  • Components are compatible with react-router

Pros of Reactstrap

  • Easy to learn and use
  • It offers multiple free and premium themes to get started with.

Limitations of Reactstrap

  • For some developers, the syntax may be confusing
  • Lesser features than other libraries

4. Material UI

Material UI - React UI Components

Material UI is widely popular among developers for making custom web development faster and more efficient. It has multiple pre-built components and templates such as pre-built sliders, drop-down menus, navigational tools, etc. The pre-built components ensure you don’t waste time developing the elements from scratch. Moreover, Material UI enables customization for every component and meets all the accessibility standards.

Material UI provides advanced features for themes. Further, it enables developers to customize the code using CSS utilities. With these tools, developers can control component styling and usage from a single location.

Material UI is based on Google’s Material design — it uses Google’s platform, so the MUI components can help you get a distinct look and feel like Google.

USP of Material UI: it offers several free resources to help developers get started with web app development. The resources can help you stand out from a pool of competitors. You’ll find something suitable for every type of development — design mockups, portfolio styles, landing page templates, etc.

Popular Design Components of Material UI

  • Floating Action Button – To show action buttons in a floated manner
  • ToolTip – Helps show more information once hovered
  • Divider – Content dividers to add a divisive line
  • Skeleton – Display your about-to-load content
  • Typography – Show your content in a typographical manner
  • Snackbar – Helps provide brief notifications

Prominent Features of Material UI

  • Simpler theme customization
  • A variety of free, accessible, and ready-to-use components
  • A huge number of inbuilt templates
  • Appealing UI designs
  • Highly responsive

Pros of Material UI

  • Vast community support
  • Frequent updates and feature upgrades
  • Well-organized documentation

Limitations of Material UI

  • The documentation is not updated regularly
  • Not an ideal platform for beginners

5. Grommet

Grommet - React Component Library

Developed by HPE, Grommet is used for all kinds of screens as it offers more vibrant and colorful themes than any other react framework. It is a component library known for responsiveness and has 8k stars and 972 forks on Github. Grommet does not contain a lot of themes, but it provides two tools for theme customization:

  • Grommet Theme Designer
  • Grommet Designer

Besides this, the most significant benefit is that they have an active community on Slack which makes support easily accessible. You can also submit bugs via GitHub. It provides the code with each component, including template pattern and component library.

The primary purpose of using Grommet is to provide mobile-first components. As a result, many large brands, such as Uber, Boeing, Netflix, Samsung, etc., use Grommet for their website design processes.

Therefore if you’re planning to hire a web development partner specifically for web and backend development, ensure they are skilled at it and possess an innovative mindset toward product designing. Make sure they help you redesign existing tech stacks and create more interactive interfaces and UX.

Popular Design Components in Grommet
Grommet offers multiple design components like boxes, cards, footers, grids, headers, layers, etc.

Prominent Features of Grommet

  • Easy-to-use components like layouts, colors, inputs, controls, etc.
  • Allows you to tailor components and build a library as per your requirements
  • Accessible through keyboard or screen reader
  • Theming tools that let developers customize the component library

Pros of Using Grommet

  • Easy to use
  • Extensive documentation
  • It supports all modern devices

Limitations of Using Grommet

  • It does not come with advanced data grids

6. React Redux

React Redux - best components in ReactJs

React Redux is considered one of the most prominent and best components in React.js as it has around 22.4k stars and 3.3k forks. It was initially developed to use alongside React.js, but now it is used with other frameworks like Angular and Vue.js.

React Redux has a simple interface, solid code testing capabilities, and predictable component libraries. It enables developers to write consistent codes and is the best friend for many developers. Redux allows developers to edit the code even though an application is live. It contains many DevTools to identify application state changes, maintain logs and send error reports.

Popular Design Components in React Redux

  • Store
  • Reducer – to return the state of the application based on the action dispatched by the store
  • Action – to transmit data from an application to a store
  • Middleware – to extend Redux with custom functionalities

Prominent Features of React Redux

  • Provides a single source of truth​
  • The state is read-only​
  • Changes are made with pure functions​

Pros of Using React Redux

  • Increases the Predictability of a State
  • It is Highly Maintainable
  • It Prevents Re-renders
  • Redux Optimizes Performance
  • Makes Debugging Easier
  • Useful in Server-Side Rendering
  • Provides Ease of Testing

Limitations of Using React Redux

  • Lack of Encapsulation
  • Restricted Design
  • Excessive Memory Use
  • Increased Complexity
  • Time-Consuming

7. React Router

React Router - top React frameworks

React Router is not essentially a React component framework. But it is one of the top React frameworks for built-in nested routes.

Many apps have nested layouts for the main sections of the page. These layouts are linked directly to URL segments. So when you add more segments, the UI will also reflect on those changes. It can get a bit complex, and you’ll end up replicating these layout hierarchies across all the app’s routes. Here is where React router can help.

Popular Design Components in React Router

  • BrowserRouter – To keep UI in sync with URL
  • Routes – To render some UI when its path matches the current URL.
  • Link – To create links to different routes and implement navigation around the application.

Prominent Features of React Router

  • Built-in nested routes to add layouts to the UI hierarchy
  • The layout changes automatically as the URL changes

Pros of Using React Router

  • Allows you to divide applications into modules
  • Better UX
  • Code splitting

Limitations of Using React Router

  • BrowserRouter may only be compatible with modern browsers

8. Blueprint UI

Blueprint - React based UI Toolkit

Blueprint UI is a CSS-based react framework used for the front-end development of desktop applications. It is best suited for designing UIs for complex and data-intensive web pages and has a CSS library of 30 components. Blueprint UI also provides options for minimal scripting and coding.

It has a multi-touch and intuitive interface that is ideal for faster development. The React framework also includes core components used for selection, date-time, tables, icons, and more. Blueprint UI offers dark and light-themed modes with other customizable design elements such as classes, typography, etc.

It offers a complete set of components to build apps with date-time dependencies. Blueprint UI, however, does not provide themes. From the component library, you can pick up bits of code to display icons for interacting with dates and times, for picking time zones, etc.

Popular Design Components in Blueprint UI
Blueprint UI offers multiple design components like breadcrumbs, buttons, callouts, cards, dividers, navigation bars, tabs, etc.

Prominent Features of Blueprint UI

  • It offers an optimized library for building complex interfaces

Pros of Using Blueprint UI

  • Enables increased efficiency in building out templates
  • Offers CSS that works across documented browsers
  • Multiple small layout challenges solved
  • Documentation could help teams collaborate

Limitations of Using Blueprint UI

  • The React markup loses meaning with non-semantic classes
  • Lack of understanding of CSS & HTML
  • The grid-based layout may not work for all needs

9. Semantic UI React

Semantic UI - React Components Library

Semantic UI is an open-source library that uses CSS and jQuery for creating awesome user interfaces, and it uses a set of specifications based on natural language principles. Semantic UI became a popular component library in a short period with 50.2k stars and 5.1k forks on Github. It offers more than 3,000 themes for the framework and about 50 components to help developers create responsive UI.

Semantic UI offers many UI components that make it easier to write semantically sound code. Semantic UI is based on natural language principles that make it easy to use. For instance, if you want to create five columns, you’ll only need to type “five columns,” or if you want to add a drop-down, type “drop-down.”

Semantic UI is used with meaningful names that make it easier to understand and helps develop faster. The greatest thing about Semantic UI is; the variety of themes to choose from. Semantic UI is ideal for anyone who wants to ensure their code is semantic-friendly.

Popular Design Components of Semantic UI

  • Loader – To give users an idea about ongoing activity
  • Rating – User can input their rating
  • Reveal – To show content after hover
  • Segment – To display the grouping of content

Prominent Features of Semantic UI

  • It offers a considerable amount of customization
  • It loads only the components you need
  • It assists in building responsive layouts easily
  • It is self-contained and portable

Pros of Semantic UI

  • Shorthand props that can generate markup automatically
  • Easy to use and debug
  • A wide range of CSS variables
  • Concise HTML
  • A large set of components and themes
  • Supports third-party applications

Limitations of Semantic UI

  • Large file size
  • Smaller community and fewer updates
  • It needs improvement in terms of producing a responsive design

10. Chakra UI

Chakra UI - Reusable React Components Framework

Chakra UI, developed by Segun Adebayo, has 28.9k stars and 2.6k forks on Github. It offers reusable and composable react components to design websites and React Native applications. It provides 50+ components to help build user-friendly interfaces.

It also allows expert react developers to build their components with the help of documentation. Chakra UI library has emerged as a must-do for web development agency and expert React developers. It is because it allows mode switching (dark mode or light mode) as per user convenience. Therefore, if you’re looking to hire React developers, make sure they’re familiar with the development of this feature.

Popular Design Components Of Chakra UI

  • Input components such as text, number, select, checkboxes, etc.
  • Stack – To group a set of components with equal spacing
  • Box – To receive style props using it as a div element
  • Grid – To wrap everything in a CSS grid container
  • Flex – To wrap everything in a Flexbox container
  • Tabs – To separate your view into multiple screens

Prominent Features of Chakra UI

  • Ease of Styling
  • Flexible & composable
  • Dark Mode

Pros of Chakra UI

  • Typescript Support
  • Responsiveness
  • Good documentation
  • Accessibility

Limitations of Chakra UI

  • It doesn’t have the Date picker feature
  • With Chakra UI, it is impossible to style some components
  • You can’t theme some components
  • Only a few button styles and variant colors are also limited.

High-level comparison of React Component Frameworks and React UI Libraries

React Framework GitHub Stars GitHub forks Number of Active Community Members No. of downloads per week
AntD 82k 36k NA 890,924
React bootstrap 21.1k 3.4k 199,968 (Discord) 1,599,386
Reactstrap 10.4K 1.3K 199,968 (Discord) 521,819
Material UI 81.6k 21.1k 548 (Facebook) 1,816,007
Grommet 8k 972 3,947 (Slack) 26,463
React Redux 22.4k 3.3k 199,968 (Discord) 6,373,768
React Router 48.3k 9.4k 199,968 (Discord) 8,976,197
Blueprint UI 19.3k 2.1k NA 205,884
Semantic UI 50.2k 5.1k 3141 (Gitter) 249,799
Chakra UI 28.9k 2.6k 7795 (Discord) 372,536

Choosing the Best React Component Framework

Choosing the correct React framework is the most crucial step in your app development journey. Web applications with responsive and uncluttered UIs never fail to delight users. The list of React UI frameworks does not end here. There are multiple other reach frameworks in the market too.

However, the ten react frameworks listed here are the most popular and appropriate for many projects. Each React component framework listed here has unique features with multiple advantages and limitations. But at the end of the day, you must evaluate your project’s objectives and requirements before choosing a React component framework.

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Which is the best React framework?

React Bootstrap. React Bootstrap is one of the most popular react component frameworks commonly used by developers worldwide. It is easy to use and comes with accessible bootstrap themes. It eliminates the developer’s dependencies on other libraries. React bootstrap CSS is created with compatibility as a core purpose — it is compatible with thousands of bootstrap themes, including bootstrap core compatibility and UI ecosystem compatibility.

What is the best component library for React?

The best component library for React includes A) AntDesign B) React-Bootstrap C) Reactstrap D) Material UI E) Grommet F) React Redux G) React H) Router I) Blueprint UI J) Semantic UI React K) Chakra UI

Is React a library or framework?

React is a library, not a framework. A crucial distinction between libraries and framework is that libraries are primarily concerned only with rendering the user interface. React is a library as it gives you the freedom to structure the code base as you like, and that is what the definition of libraries is - to provide basic building blocks leaving the ‘how to utilize’ part up to the developers. Frameworks are structured and have everything built in and their way of doing things.

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Written by

Lokesh Dudhat

Lokesh is a Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SolGuruz, a senior technical consultant with over 10 years of experience in exploring the horizon of the software development industry. He has worked closely with startups and enterprises, mentoring them in engineering their tech solutions. With a hands-on experience of 10+ years as a developer, he has delivered solutions using a wide range of technologies such as iOS, Android, Angular, Node, RTC, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, and many more. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


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