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Top Angular Frameworks for Web App Development

The Angular Framework is one of the most popular web development frameworks today. There are many different Angular frameworks available.

By Lokesh Dudhat

Last updated on: February 8, 2025

Top Angular Frameworks for Web App Development

Angular is a platform and framework for creating HTML and TypeScript-based single-page client applications. TypeScript is used to create Angular. Numerous UI libraries and Angular frameworks have been made available to work on web enhancement as the Angular community has grown.

Some appreciate it for its adaptability, while others like the ease of improvement it offers. AngularJS, which Google released in 2010, has earned a reputation as one of the most incredible front-end frameworks for web development.

As per the Stack Overflow Survey 2022, Angular is holding 20.39% of the stack in the web frameworks and technologies usage.

Top Web Frameworks and Top Web Technologies in 2022

These ready-to-use Angular frameworks for UI components offer easier and quicker ways to create a UI for web apps that is both aesthetically pleasing and responsive.

Features of Angular Frameworks

Many developers prefer Angular frameworks over other frameworks. Here are the top 10 features of Angular Frameworks that developers liked the most.

  1. Cross Platform

    Angular plays a prominent role in creating Progressive Web Applications (PWA), so it is fundamental to place this variable at the top of the list of Angular elements. With PWA nearby, crowds may engage in an app-like experience using modern web capabilities.

    In particular, developers might convey a community or a cutting-edge app with the help of this feature.

    Developers can deploy an app that is both local and progressive, depending on their needs. The apps can be uploaded to app stores, and something resembling the mobile web can be launched as a PWA with the hybrid mobile SDK known as Ionic.

  2. Data binding

    A developer can manage web page elements through a web browser if data binding is available. It employs dynamic HTML instead of arbitrary pre-programming or planning.

    When designing web pages with in-built components, such as games, instructional activities, and so forth, data binding becomes essential.

    A model is also where changes to the application are made. The UI elements display those changes. When the model changes, the designer will usually need to adjust the DOM (Document Object Model) components before the properties start to reflect.

    Although it is a difficult task, it can be handled precisely with two-way data binding. The DOM and the model syncs using this cycle, as well as the other way around.

  3. Declarative UI

    Declarative UI is one of AngularJS’s essential components. Developers can use HTML instead of JavaScript in Angular because it is less complex than JavaScript for framing the user interface of the web application.

    HTML imports declarative and built-in features of the UI components, which is a benefit for Angular applications. Developers don’t have to start program streams manually because of properties like these. Overall, they are able to describe the page design and the data flow effectively.

    Further, Angular’s declarative UI handles the components in accordance with the format. This saves enough time and effort for Angular web app development.

  4. Easy to test

    JavaScript is a beginner friendly language, it is simple for designers to check the code’s functionality. However, when using AngularJS, designers are not constrained by this restriction.

    Features of the structure include Dependency Injection (DI), which helps with testing. The entire cycle, in which testers embed test data in the regulator and concurrently review the results, is improved by DI. It’s really simple!

  5. The MVC architecture

    One of the key components of Angular Frameworks is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. MVC deals with several issues like information restriction and scopes and enhances the usefulness of the framework for developing client-side applications.

    Compared to other frameworks, MVC integrates all of the essential parts of the program without the need for additional code.

  6. The importance of Angular CLI

    With the use of the Command-Line Interface tool known as Angular CLI, you can easily create and organize Angular apps in the NG meeting while working with an Angular structure. You can send your app in a climate that you determine to be appropriate for your Angular application using the Angular CLI.

    Therefore, Angular CLI is a tool that has proven to be typically convenient in the local web app development community, despite the fact that it is a javascript system component. CLI helps automate some processes using simple commands.

    With a combination of these simple commands, you can add or remove characterized functionalities. Additionally, it makes it possible to perform tests fast from the beginning to the end of units. Each of these AngularJS highlights significantly improves the code quality.

  7. The Ivy Rendering Engine

    Ivy is an angular renderer that uses progressive DOM and is radically different from anything else. It modifies the internal system’s operation without altering the Angular applications.

    In order to provide faster form times, better form estimates that are more viable with tree-shaking, and new potential highlights such as sluggish stacking of parts rather than modules, the Ivy project is substantially redesigning the Angular compiler and runtime technology.

  8. Directives

    Classes called directives give elements in Angular apps additional ways to behave. The basic directives of Angular are used to control the structures, records, styles, and output that users see.

    The most difficult Angular components are directives. With the aid of directives, you may create custom HTML labels that fill in as custom gadgets. Developers can use these to complete conduct-driven sections. With the aid of directives, you can also regulate DOM credits in accordance with your needs.

  9. TypeScript

    The superscript of JavaScript is TypeScript. The main advantage of using TypeScript is that you can spot and fix coding problems as you write. Additionally, it supports AngularJS’s connection point and rudimentary security features.

    Strangely, Angular boasts this variety of elements and is made with TypeScript.

  10. Partial Structure

    The best thing about the Angular framework is that it makes it easier to integrate code into different modules as you create them.

    This component results in the split of general usefulness into reusable code. Additionally, this helps the Angular developers divide up tasks and makes it possible for webbing apps to use slow loading.

Top Angular Frameworks

Top Angular Frameworks

  1. Angular Material

    In 2014, Google created the UI library component known as Angular Material. It is specially designed with AngularJS developers in mind. It helps in organizing the application’s planning.

    Its components aid in creating visually appealing, dependable, and useful web pages and applications.

    It attracts customers that use the components or elements of the application. With its distinctive forms and shapes, it also aids in the planning of the applications.

    These components increase the stability and responsiveness of the website or application. It combines innovation and advancement with the excellent standards of an effective plan.

  2. Mobile Angular UI

    An open-source Angular framework for creating hybrid mobile apps is called Mobile Angular UI. Making attractive HTML5 hybrid mobile and desktop apps is made easier with Mobile Angular UI’s use of Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS.

    Switches, overlays, sidebars, scrollable regions, and top and bottom navbars that are directly positioned and don’t bob on the scroll are just a few of the basic mobile components that Mobile Angular UI provides, but Bootstrap 3 lacks.

    A better mobile experience depends on robust libraries like fastclick.js and overthrow.js.

    Mobile Angular UI holds the majority of the Bootstrap 3 linguistic framework. In this sense, porting an active online app to mobile is meager.

  3. Ionic

    Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit that combines popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue with web breakthroughs like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create high-performing mobile and desktop apps.

    Angular CLI (Command-Line Interface) and parts can be used with Ionic to create fully functional mobile applications. Another Ionic component depends on Apache Cordova modules to become functional locally.

    The front-end UI framework Ionic takes care of every aspect of the look, feel, and UI communications your application requires.

  4. Angular UI Bootstrap

    UI Bootstrap is an Angular framework for UI that makes use of Bootstrap, one of the most potent front-end tools.

    It comes with a wide range of components that have criteria like Angular-touch, Bootstrap CSS, and Angular-animate. Bootstrap is a huge aid for Angular-based rapid web development.

    The goal of Angular UI Bootstrap is to provide a better user interface that can be used without any issues.

  5. UI Grid

    UI-Grid 4.0 is an angular grid that was created solely using AngularJS. Highlights are added as angular modules and directives and are planned around a central grid module. This maintains the focal point small and in focus while performing incredibly intricate highlights just when you need them.

    Earlier, this was known as the ng grid.

  6. LumX

    In light of AngularJS and Google Material Design decisions, the responsive front-end framework. With the help of lumX, you can develop your applications more quickly and without any hassle.

    To provide your clients with the greatest information, adhere to Google Material Design principles. The front-end design and development of versatile programming are done using the LumX angular framework.

    It is the best Javascript MVC Framework for creating powerful and responsive one-page applications. AngularJS is used for LumX additionally because it was created and is still being maintained by Google.

  7. Supersonic

    One of the most popular hybrid UI frameworks is called Supersonic; it includes Javascript, web components, and CSS that might use a well-known framework and is also known as an agnostic framework.

    It works in conjunction with AngularJS to help with enhancing HTML5 apps. An Ionic fork affects how you think about how a hybrid app will run. Building complicated mobile apps is simple, thanks to Supersonic’s declarative user interface.

    Behind the scenes, a result that is undefined from any native app is heated by the continual interplay of native UI and HTML5.

    With the works and highlights of the REST programming interface, one can implement the framework. Designing impulsive application interfaces using Supersonic is possibly one of the simplest tasks that developers can complete.

  8. Radian

    Using Radian, which is a free and open-source JS framework, programmers may efficiently handle plots in HTML archives. Instead of writing your own JS charting code, you can use custom HTML sections to insert charts.

    It offers workable developments to enable two-way data binding in JavaScript factors and HTML components using the Angular.js framework.

    Additionally, Radian employs the D3.js plotting tool for graphic age, which helps us create graphs as SVG components. The SVG components can then be easily installed on the page and rendered as a result on any sophisticated application.

    It provides thorough documentation and a generous license to help you get started with this Angular JS gadget framework.

  9. Suave UI

    The Suave UI framework was introduced for the purpose of creating the user interface of an Angular-based online application.

    Making a beautiful UI for online apps using CSS definitions (such as colored buttons, layered components, matrix, and so forth), ordering, and services used by Suave is really straightforward for Angular developers.

    The Angular framework’s Suave UI exposes UI components in group records. As a result, web developers don’t have to expend much effort to incorporate sections separately. You simply need to place one order with Grove to complete the task.

    In light of AngularJS, Suave UI is intended for web applications.

  10. QuantumUI

    Quantum UI utilizes AngularJS and features a CSS structure based on Bootstrap. It offers more than 60 UI components and several Angular services, and it adheres to the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern.

    These UI components are friendly to server and rest administration. Quantum UI may surely be organized using attributes alone; JavaScript coding is not required.

    GitHub supports and maintains the Quantum UI framework for Angular web development. While some of its components are free to use, others require payment. Angular applications can incorporate quantum components.

  11. PrimeNG

    An open-source framework called Angular PrimeNG makes use of a wide variety of native Angular UI components to help create aesthetically pleasing user interfaces with increased utility.

    These components are used to create responsive websites quickly and with fantastic style. The many components support a variety of functionalities, such as the Expanding impact.

    The Button Part supports a function that is optional, obviously handicapped, and may easily be globally empowered in the primary part by injecting PrimeNGConfig.

    The liveliness is mainly utilized to improve the overall user experience across all of the components.

  12. Angular Foundation

    An open framework for any device, medium, and technology. A collection of front-end responsive frameworks called Foundation.

    Foundation makes it simple to design beautiful responsive websites, applications, and messages that look amazing on any device. Semantic, meaningful, adaptive, and completely customizable is the foundation.

Angular Frameworks – Comparison Table

Angular Framework’s Name GitHub Stars Github Forks Discord numbers
Angular Material 6.2 6.2k 25514
Mobile Angular UI 2.9k 731 NA
Ionic 47.7k 13.7k 3949
Angular UI Bootstrap 14.4k 7k NA
UI Grid 5.4k 2.5k NA
LumX 2k 268 NA
Supersonic 197 49 218
Radian 107 10 NA
Suave UI 339 27 NA
QuantumUI 207 46 NA
PrimeNG 7.6k 3.9k NA
Angular Foundation 1.1k 281 NA


Our Expertise in Angular Frameworks

We at SolGuruz have expert front-end developers who can help to evaluate your front-end architecture or help you implement the frontend using Angular.

You can also hire Angular developers and web app developers from a white-label app development company that provides you with a white-label solution for your project. We are also the top web development agency in the country

SolGuruz is a web development company that consists of the top Angular developers in the country, it can cover the whole Frontend, Backend, Database, Cloud, Testing, and DevOps sectors with the help of a number of top-notch tools used by some of the biggest businesses in the world.


Every framework offers a variety of components and elements, as you have probably noticed. You actually need to deconstruct the requirements of your web application, select the appropriate technology stack, and then choose Angular UI components as necessary.

Angular frameworks are coming up with good versions. Most companies hire Angular development services companies as there is a huge demand for expert Angular developers.


Which framework is best for Angular?

Ionic, Angular Material and Angular UI Bootstrap are considered to be the best Angular Frameworks. All three frameworks have the maximum number of stars and porks in GitHub. Angular material and ionic frameworks have more members in discord as well.

Which framework does AngularJS use?

A foundational framework for dynamic web applications is AngularJS. It enables you to use HTML as your format language and to extend HTML’s syntax to clearly and succinctly express the components of your application. The information filtering and dependency injection features of AngularJS eliminate most of the code you would otherwise need to write.

Is Angular good for web development?

In around ten years, Angular has developed into one of the most incredible web development frameworks for creating client-side and UI (front-end) online apps. So yes, using angular frameworks in your web development project is extremely good. The top web development company uses Angular frameworks for their projects

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Written by

Lokesh Dudhat

Lokesh is a Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SolGuruz, a senior technical consultant with over 10 years of experience in exploring the horizon of the software development industry. He has worked closely with startups and enterprises, mentoring them in engineering their tech solutions. With a hands-on experience of 10+ years as a developer, he has delivered solutions using a wide range of technologies such as iOS, Android, Angular, Node, RTC, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, and many more. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


Explore Angular Frameworks

Stay updated with the latest Angular frameworks for your web app projects. SolGuruz can help integrate these into your development process for superior results.

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