How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can Change The Real Estate Market?

Discover the transformative power of AI in real estate through our blog. Explore its potential to reshape the market, the debate on AI replacing agents, leveraging language models like ChatGPT, and the role of generative AI. Don’t miss the future of real estate!

By Lokesh Dudhat

Last updated on: June 6, 2024

How Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate Can Change The Market

The real estate realm is currently experiencing a transformation, with artificial intelligence (AI) set to revolutionize how we purchase, sell, and oversee properties.

Research conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) its projected that AI could generate between $110 billion to $180 billion or even more in value for the real estate sector. This uptick in adoption is fueled by AI’s capacity to streamline operations and tailor experiences. Uncover insights for everyone involved in the market.

Let’s take a look at how AI in real estate is shaping the future.

How Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate Can Change The Market?

We are on the brink of a shift in how properties are bought, sold, and handled thanks to the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). Let’s dive deep into the aspects where using AI in real estate is set to revolutionize the entire sector;

How Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate Can Change The Market

Streamlining the Search Process

When talking about AI for real estate investment, the first thing that comes into my mind is the Search process. Simplifying and improving the real estate search process requires using cutting-edge technologies to make the experience better for buyers and sellers.

Let’s explore two approaches to make this happen:

  • Personalized Recommendations:

    Imagine having your real estate advisor available, to you 24/7 who understands your preferences, financial situation, and lifestyle choices to provide customized property suggestions.

    This is what AI-driven platforms strive to achieve (key benefits of AI in real estate). By using algorithms, these platforms analyze data sets, including your previous searches, interactions, and feedback, in order to offer tailored recommendations.

    For example, if you are a family of four seeking a home within a price range with particular amenities such as a backyard and nearby schools, the AI would search through listings to show you properties that fit these criteria. This does not save time. Also ensures that you are presented with choices that closely match your needs.

    Example: Sarah, a career-driven individual, is in the market for her home purchase. She leans towards condos flooded with sunlight and equipped with fitness amenities. Using AI for Real Estate, Sarah enters her requirements and financial constraints. The platform then evaluates her input, alongside market dynamics, to propose properties that align with her preferences. Sarah can easily assess these suggestions at her leisure streamlining her selection process without the need to sort through a number of listings.

  • Intelligent Lead Generation:

    Real estate agents often find it challenging to spot buyers and sellers among the online audience. Luckily AI comes to the rescue by automating the lead generation process.

    By examining user behavior demographics and other relevant data, AI algorithms can identify individuals showing interest in purchasing or selling properties. This may involve activities like visits to real estate websites, interaction with listings or demographic details such as income and age range.

    So, if you are still thinking about how to use ai in real estate? With AI pinpointing these leads, real estate agents can streamline their workflow. Dedicate their attention to promising leads while building valuable relationships.

    Example: James, who works in the estate, dedicates a lot of time every day to going through listings on the internet and contacting clients with different levels of success. Thanks to the use of AI-driven tools for generating leads, James now has a lighter workload. The AI for real estate agents system keeps track of activities within its target market continuously. Identifies individuals who are displaying strong intentions to either buy or sell properties. Whenever a promising lead is identified James receives notifications enabling him to reach out and connect with potential clients who are actively looking for his services.

Real estate web and mobile app development case study

Transforming Property Valuation and Investment

Artificial intelligence in real estate is changing how properties are evaluated and market trends are analyzed. Let’s explore each area to see how these innovations are altering standing methods;

  • AI-powered Appraisals:

    In the past, property evaluations mostly depended on opinions and comparisons to certain areas, which sometimes resulted in inconsistencies and errors. Nowadays, thanks to commercial real estate AI there’s a change happening in this field.

    AI algorithms can now examine sets of data that include property details, past sales records, market trends, and economic factors. By analyzing all this information, AI can provide accurate and impartial property assessments.

    Example: Imagine a situation where a homeowner wants to put their house on the market. In the past, when determining the property’s value, appraisers often relied on their opinions and limited local comparisons. However, thanks to the use of AI-powered appraisal tools, the valuation process now leans towards being more data-driven and thorough. By analyzing factors such as sales in the neighborhood, property conditions, amenities, and market trends, the AI algorithm offers a more precise valuation. This not only benefits sellers by ensuring a selling price but also gives potential buyers confidence in the property’s worth.

  • Predictive Market Insights:

    Investors need to stay on top of market trends and predict price changes to make choices and grab chances. Real estate AI is crucial in this field, using analysis to review historical and current data. By spotting trends and connections in the data, AI programs can predict market shifts. Foresee fluctuations in real estate prices with precision.

    Example: Picture a buyer looking into investing in an urban area by using advanced AI tools to predict market trends. With the help of Real Estate AI technology, this investor gets a glimpse into how property prices might evolve in that location. The AI system examines factors like population growth, economic trends, infrastructure projects, and supply-demand dynamics to make projections. Armed with this information, the investor can evaluate the investment’s profitability. Make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the purchase. This proactive strategy enabled by AI enables investors to manage risks effectively and take advantage of opportunities, in the real estate sector.

Enhancing the Customer Experience

Enhancing the customer journey, AI for real estate adopts technologies and tactics to meet the requirements of both buyers and sellers.

Let’s explore further two methods designed to boost client happiness:

  • Virtual Tours on Demand:

    Traditional property viewings usually involve buyers having to visit locations in person, which can be quite time-consuming and inconvenient, particularly for those who are far away or have hectic schedules.

    However, thanks to the rise of virtual tour technology this process is going through a change. Virtual tours now allow interested buyers to explore properties from a distance from the comfort of their homes using any internet-connected device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

    These immersive tours offer an interactive experience, enabling users to move around rooms, scrutinize details, and grasp the property’s layout and atmosphere almost as if they were there, in person.

    Example: Imagine a scenario where a couple is moving to a city for work and needs to find a place to live. Given their time constraints and the distance involved, it might not be practical for them to visit each property in person. However, thanks to the option of tours, the couple can explore homes remotely from wherever they are. By using their laptop or smartphone (real estate AI), they can virtually walk through houses, examine each room and determine if the layout and features align with their needs. This approach does not save them time and money on travel. Also helps them streamline their choices more effectively before arranging face-to-face viewings for their preferred options.

  • Smarter Communication:

    In the real estate sector, effective communication plays a role, from the contact to the final deal discussions. However, juggling inquiries and providing responses to clients’ queries can pose a challenge for real estate professionals, especially during busy stretches. This is where AI in real estate and AI-driven chatbots step in.

    These digital assistants are armed with language understanding abilities and preset replies to handle questions, arrange property showings and even initiate talks with potential buyers or sellers. By automating tasks, chatbots enable agents to dedicate their time to intricate and valuable tasks that demand human insight.

    Example: Imagine a buyer exploring a real estate website late at night and having queries about a property they’re eyeing. Of waiting until business hours to reach out to a real estate agent the buyer can interact with a chatbot conveniently available on the website. The chatbot promptly addresses the buyer’s questions regarding property details, pricing, and availability, offering support. If the buyer shows interest in setting up a viewing the chatbot smoothly coordinates with the agent’s schedule. Schedules the appointment. This proactive and responsive communication does not enrich the buyer’s experience. Also highlights the agency’s dedication to customer service.

Revolutionizing Property Management

If you are still having questions like, will ai replace real estate agents? OR what are the benefits of AI in real estate? Well, we will discover that, too, in the later section of the blog.

In the real estate industry, real estate AI software is making strides in maintenance and making rent collection more efficient. These advancements bring efficiency, convenience, and better management practices to the market.

Let’s get into these ideas:

  • Predictive Maintenance:

    In the field of property management, unexpected maintenance problems often arise, causing inconvenience for both landlords and tenants. However, the integration of home devices and AI technology has transformed how property owners can oversee systems in their properties.

    These advanced devices are equipped with sensors and data analysis capabilities that allow them to collect and analyze data related to the performance and status of HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems. By detecting changes or irregularities in the data, AI algorithms can predict maintenance issues before they become problems.

    This proactive strategy enables property owners to schedule maintenance tasks, such as servicing or repairs, in advance, reducing downtime and preventing emergency repairs.

    Example: Imagine if a landlord has set up sensors in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system of their property. These sensors keep an eye on things like temperature, humidity, and airflow around the clock. If the smart system notices any changes, like a drop in airflow or sudden temperature spikes, it can send an alert to the landlord or maintenance team. 

    With this warning system, the landlord can arrange for a maintenance check to investigate and fix any issues before they escalate into problems. By taking care of maintenance, the landlord can ensure that tenants stay comfortable, minimize repair expenses, and extend the lifespan of the HVAC setup.

  • Streamlined Rent Collection and Communication:

    Managing rental properties involves responsibilities such as collecting rent, interacting with tenants, and evaluating renters. The use of AI in estate offers solutions to streamline these tasks and lessen the burden on property managers. AI-powered platforms can automate rent collection by sending reminders to tenants, handling payments, and generating receipts.

    Furthermore, AI chatbots are capable of addressing common tenant queries regarding maintenance issues or lease questions by employing natural language comprehension and predefined responses. Additionally, AI algorithms play a role in screening tenants by assessing data, conducting background checks, and highlighting any flags to simplify the tenant selection process.

Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection

Deceptive actions present threats to the credibility and safety of the housing market, impacting individuals on both sides of transactions. Nonetheless, utilizing intelligence (AI) can play a role in identifying and stopping such deceitful behaviors.

Let’s explore further methods for AI real estate that can help reduce these risks:

  • Identifying Risky Transactions:

    AI programs can analyze amounts of data related to property history ownership details, financial deals and other pertinent data. By examining this information, AI can detect irregularities and patterns that suggest activities. For example, sudden alterations in property ownership, inconsistencies in records or suspicious transaction behaviors may trigger concerns. Professionals in the real estate industry can employ AI-powered tools to carefully review these transactions, conduct investigations, and implement necessary measures to reduce risks and avoid financial setbacks.

    Example: Imagine a scenario where a real estate agent gets an offer for a property that seems higher than its market price. By utilizing real estate AI software, the agent carefully examines the details of the deal and uncovers inconsistencies in the buyer’s information. Upon digging, it becomes apparent that the buyer has a track record of dealings. Armed with this knowledge, the agent chooses to turn down the offer and steer clear of proceeding with the transaction, ultimately avoiding setbacks and safeguarding the client’s best interests.

  • Verifying Documentation:

    During real estate deals, it’s essential to check the validity of paperwork, like IDs, financial records and legal agreements, to thwart any activities. AI for real estate investment plays a role in simplifying and automating the verification of documents by using algorithms to spot any discrepancies or anomalies in the submitted paperwork. By referencing document details with reliable sources and databases, AI can confirm the authenticity of documents with great precision, lowering the risk of fake documents being employed in real estate transactions.

    Example: When buying a property the buyer typically shares documents to show they can get a loan. To check if these papers are real, the real estate agent uses software that checks them against sources. This tool compares the details in the statements with data from financial organizations to confirm their accuracy. If any errors or differences are found, the software highlights them for a look, allowing the agent to ask for paperwork or explanations from the buyer before finalizing the deal.

By implementing these AI-powered risk assessment and fraud detection measures, real estate professionals can create a safer and more secure environment for all parties involved in a transaction.

Discover the Future of Real-Estate Market with AI

Will AI Replace Real Estate Agents?

AI is definitely changing the real estate industry. It’s unlikely that it will completely replace real estate agents soon. Here’s why;

  • Building trust and establishing relationships with clients are crucial in the real estate market. Despite AI advancements, it cannot match the ability of an agent to understand a client’s needs and navigate complex human interactions.
  • Real estate transactions often involve negotiations, where experienced agents with an understanding of market dynamics are better equipped to handle such situations. While Real Estate AI can offer data and insights, human judgment and negotiation skills play a role in securing the best deals.
  • Real estate agents acquire knowledge about neighborhoods, schools, market trends, and hidden gems. This familiarity with the market is highly beneficial for both buyers and sellers—a quality that AI struggles to replicate.
  • Nevertheless, AI is expected to become a tool for real estate agents to enhance their services and achieve better outcomes for their clients.

Here are some benefits of AI in real estate:

  • AI has the ability to automate tasks like booking appointments, creating reports, and assessing leads. This allows agents to dedicate their time to activities and offer personalized service to their clients.
  • By analyzing data sets, AI can deliver market insights and property valuations. This equips agents with the tools to make decisions based on data and gives their clients an advantage during negotiations.
  • AI can tailor marketing strategies to target audiences with properties. This means agents can minimize marketing efforts and attract qualified leads effectively.
  • The future of the real estate industry appears promising for both AI technology and human agents. As AI real estate solutions handle data analysis and repetitive tasks, real estate professionals can concentrate on the side of their work – nurturing relationships, providing expert advice and advocating for their client’s best interests.

This collaborative approach is set to enhance efficiency, knowledge sharing and overall success within the real estate sector for all stakeholders involved.

How to Use ChatGPT (or Similar Language Models) for Real Estate?

Although ChatGPT is not tailored for the real estate industry, its robust language processing abilities can serve as an asset in your real estate arsenal. Here are some innovative strategies to make the most of ChatGPT for your real estate endeavors:

How to Use ChatGPT (or Similar Language Models) for Real Estate?

Crafting Compelling Property Descriptions:

When you’re faced with a page while writing property descriptions, it’s a challenge. Share some details about the property with ChatGPT – like its footage, number of bedrooms and standout features. Let it create a description to kickstart your creativity. Afterwards, you can refine the wording. Infuse your touch to make the description unique.

At times, the standout features of a property might go unnoticed. Utilize ChatGPT to portray the property from a buyer’s viewpoint. This approach can help you uncover selling points that you may have overlooked, enabling you to craft an engaging description that connects with potential buyers.

Generating Engaging Social Media Content:

Here is how you can use ChatGPT to enhance the social media engagement of your real estate brand.

  • Create Catchy Captions: Creating captions is essential for catching the eye on the media. Share specifics about a property listing and your intended audience with ChatGPT. Request it to produce caption choices in tones (informative, humorous, etc.). You can then select the caption that aligns best with your brand’s tone and target viewership.
  • Craft Engaging Posts: Generating content for social media posts can pose a challenge. Share a topic with ChatGPT like a trend in the real estate scene or a unique aspect of a property. It can suggest content formats such as blog entries, infographics or scripts for videos that are engaging. Don’t forget to verify facts and refine the details prior to sharing them.

Streamlining Communication with Clients:

Here is how AI can help enhance the overall communication with your clients on a daily basis.

  • Develop Personalized Email Templates: Crafting emails for every customer can be quite a time-consuming task. Start by composing an email addressing a subject (such as a follow-up post viewing or seeking feedback). Using AI in real estate to come up with versions of the email complete, with customized introductions and sign offs tailored to each client. Afterward, you have the opportunity to personalize it further and infuse your style before hitting send.
  • Answer Frequently Asked Questions: Gather a set of questions that your clients often pose regarding buying or selling. Input these queries into ChatGPT to generate responses. This resource can prove beneficial for both you and your clients, helping save time and ensuring the provision of consistent information.

Key Points to Take Care:

Let’s talk about the key elements to take care of.

  1. Fact-check and Edit: Remember that ChatGPT is based on machine learning, so its responses might not always be entirely accurate. It’s an idea to verify the information it provides especially when dealing with property specifics or market data.
  2. Maintain Your Brand Voice: When using ChatGPT as a foundation, remember to uphold your brand voice and personality in all your interactions. Make sure to review and adjust the content created to match your tone and manner.
  3. Focus on Human Connection: AI is indeed an asset. It can never fully replicate the genuine human touch in the realm of real estate. While leveraging ChatGPT can boost your productivity and innovation, remember the significance of fostering connections and delivering tailor-made assistance to your clientele.

By incorporating ChatGPT into your processes, you can optimize your workflow, spark creative concepts, and ultimately provide a smoother and more effective real estate journey for your customers.

The Role of Generative AI in Real Estate

Generative artificial intelligence, which is a subset of AI dedicated to producing content, is reshaping the real estate sector by introducing solutions that improve visuals, customize experiences, and simplify operations.

The Role of Generative AI in Real Estate

Let’s explore how generative AI in real estate is leaving its imprint on the field:

  1. Captivating Virtual Experiences:

    Picture yourself entering a home while sitting on your sofa. Advanced AI technology can produce 3D tours giving prospective buyers the opportunity to thoroughly explore properties from a distance. This innovative tool proves beneficial for individuals buying from afar, those with schedules, or those showcasing empty properties prior to staging them.

  2. Personalized Property Marketing:

    Using AI in Real Estate, you can create marketing content for individual properties. By examining details such as property attributes, the demographics of the target audience, and current market trends, AI can produce tailored property descriptions, social media posts, and virtual brochures that appeal to different types of buyers. This approach boosts interaction and draws in genuinely interested buyers.

  3. Realistic Property Staging:

    When a property is empty or needs sprucing up, generative AI can digitally furnish it with furniture, decorations, and outdoor features. This helps prospective buyers visualize the property’s potential and make informed choices.

  4. Generating Floor Plans and Layouts:

    The era of depending on fixed flat floor layouts is over. Thanks to AI for real estate, we now have dynamic 3D floor plans that enable users to navigate a property, view various designs, and even personalize furniture arrangements. This enhances our grasp of the propertys dimensions and features in a way.

  5. Architectural Design and Prototyping:

    In the world of real estate development, artificial intelligence can assist in creating designs by considering factors such as size, functionality, and budget. This enables architects and developers to swiftly explore design possibilities before committing resources to detailed plans.

Through the use of intelligence, real estate experts can offer buyers and investors a more interactive and informative experience. This innovative technology has the capability to transform the way properties are promoted, visualized, and ultimately purchased.

Ready to Transform Your Real-Estate Business Strategy


The real estate sector is entering an era of transformation driven by intelligence. AI for real estate is enhancing the property search process. Revolutionizing property management offers a range of benefits to everyone involved in the market. With AI in real estate, we can anticipate more innovative applications that will change how we buy, sell and manage properties fundamentally.

Are you prepared to utilize the potential of AI and gain an advantage in the real estate industry? SolGuruz, an app development company specializing in creating real estate applications powered by AI, can assist you.

We can work with you to develop a solution that streamlines your operations, enhances customer experience, and maximizes the benefits of AI for your business.


1. How likely is AI to transform manual activities in the real estate market?

AI is expected to have an impact on the real estate industry. It's doubtful that it will entirely supplant human agents. The personal connection, bargaining abilities, and familiarity with markets that seasoned agents bring are still vital for thriving in the estate. AI is poised to serve as an aid for agents, allowing them to concentrate on the aspects of their work and deliver an even more tailored experience to their clientele.

2. Is using AI in real estate safe and secure?

The safety of AI technology in the real estate sector relies on its application. Trustworthy real estate experts will use AI solutions that focus on safeguarding data and implement cybersecurity practices to safeguard client data.

3. How can I learn more about AI in real estate?

There are plenty of resources and industry publications that talk about the developments in AI and how it's being used in the real estate sector. Going to industry conferences or workshops is another way to learn from professionals in the field.

4. Any shortfalls of using AI in real estate?

When dealing with AI in real estate, there are risks to consider. Biases in AI algorithms may result in discrimination, making it essential to opt for AI tools designed with fairness and ethical considerations at the forefront. Furthermore, it's vital to combine knowledge with AI to make informed decisions at every stage of the real estate journey.

5. How can I get started using AI in my real estate journey?

Lots of easy-to-use AI platforms are available for real estate agents and people looking to buy or sell property. Start by checking out tools that match what you need. Some platforms even let you try them out for free or with a special deal so you can see how AI can help you in the real estate world before you decide to commit.

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Written by

Lokesh Dudhat

Lokesh is a Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SolGuruz, a senior technical consultant with over 10 years of experience in exploring the horizon of the software development industry. He has worked closely with startups and enterprises, mentoring them in engineering their tech solutions. With a hands-on experience of 10+ years as a developer, he has delivered solutions using a wide range of technologies such as iOS, Android, Angular, Node, RTC, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, and many more. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


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