Flutter for Hybrid Apps: Why Flutter is the Best Platform to Make Hybrid Apps?

With flutter for hybrid apps, you can target a greater audience and enrich user experience, thanks to the lightweight Dart programming.

By Paresh Mayani

Last updated on: November 3, 2023

Flutter for Hybrid Apps - Why Flutter is the Best Platform to Make Hybrid Apps

Most people are unaware of what hybrid apps are, how they perform, etc. They also don’t know its advantages over other types of software products. As a result, they stick to native or traditional applications and limit their growth. This is why we are here, with a brief introduction to using flutter for hybrid apps.

With the increasing demand for state-of-the-art applications, it has become imminent for every business to hire Flutter developers. It must suffice most needs and ensure to deliver consistent performance throughout. There are several types of applications have emerged in recent years. However, the introduction of the hybrid concept changed the world completely.

While still in the nascent stage, Flutter has proven to be one of the best platforms for developing hybrid applications. It packs a wide range of features you won’t find anywhere else. Apart from this, the learning curve of Flutter is somewhat flat, ensuring a quick grasp of its concepts. Owing to its rising demand and popularity, we have connected the dots to explain Flutter for hybrid apps.

Flutter for hybrid apps get things sorted out, but what are Hybrid Apps?

The Android OS and iOS feature separate components and interactive modules. This is why most applications developed are specific to the platforms. Software developed solely for the iOS platform won’t be able to operate on the Android OS and vice versa. When developers need to develop a single application for multiple platforms, they need to work on different codes.

These codes have the same functionality. But their components, programming language, structure and process services are different. They need to align with the requirements of the concerned development platform. As it can be quite difficult and inconvenient to proceed with multiple code development for a single app, the use of hybrid apps came into existence.

Hybrid applications are nothing but software products developed to run on different OS but with a single code. A developer needs to come up with a single code piece. Using that, one can deploy all the features and code blocks into different OS servers. Once deployment is complete, the application will be available for the users.

As a result, you will be able to cater to many audiences with ease. When you want to upgrade any existing code block, you can opt for changes in both OS or a single one.

Some of the real-life examples of hybrid applications are: 

  1. Instagram, the top social media platform, is one of the best examples of hybrid applications. One can easily access it from iOS and Android OS without using any special software adapter.
  2. Gmail is a great example of a hybrid application. It has proven to be one of the best apps that one can use on both website and mobile platforms.
  3. Twitter is also a hybrid application as you can use it across many platforms with use.

While hybrid apps have proven to be the next-gen software products in the technological world, we cannot deny their limitations. There are a couple of challenges that one must address before even trying to use Flutter for MVP development of the hybrid app.

Native vs Hybrid vs Cross-Platform

Native vs Hybrid vs Cross-Platform apps development

  1. Native apps

    When applications are developed to suit the needs of a specific OS, they are known as native applications. They can’t operate across multiple platforms. One of the major cornerstones is that you get the concerned platform’s full advantage. For example, an application developed for Android OS will feature all its features.

    You need a native application for:

    • You have great dependency on a single operating system, be it the Android OS or iOS
    • The application will utilize features like the camera, display, sound system, and more
    • You want to develop an animated game with multiple features
    • As a startup, you need to give an immersive experience to the developer
  2. Hybrid apps

    Hybrid applications can operate across different platforms easily. However, you don’t need to use different codes and programming languages to develop this application. Instead, you can use one code, include features common to both platforms and voila, and have the app.

    Hybrid app development techniques are popular for:

    • When you have a wide range of customers that use different platforms
    • Your application doesn’t come with too complex features to understand
    • The animations are either absent or limited to almost negligible value
    • When you have to build an application according to the concept of Minimum Viable Product or MVP
  3. Cross-platform apps

    Cross-platform applications are similar to hybrid apps. But the user interface is more intuitive and friendly in these apps than in the hybrid ones. Following are some of the areas where you will need the cross-platform application:

    • When your budget is a bit low
    • You aren’t sure which group of audience you would like to target for improving your business through the application
    • The user interface will act similarly to that of the native apps

Native vs Hybrid vs Cross-Platform Apps Development – Comparison

Attributes Native Hybrid  Cross-platform
Library Doesn’t need the open-source libraries Requires the open-source libraries for app development Needs the open-source lib files to process development works
Code Different codes must be developed for different platforms One codebase will be enough to work with applications across different platforms You will need a single codebase to develop the applications according to the platform requirements
Tools  AppCode, XCode, and Android Studio Apache Cordova, Ionic, and Visual Studio Xamarin, React Native and Flutter
Debugging  Requires native tools Both native and web tools are feasible The debugging tool will depend on the framework

Flutter for Hybrid Apps Can Help You Develop Easily, Here are their Pros:

  1. Lowers the development costs

    One of the major reasons for hybrid app development is reduced costs. You don’t need to hire different developers or professionals to develop codes for various platforms. Also, there is no need to get subscriptions for different tools, which usually increases project development costs. When you develop a hybrid application, you need to use a single platform for writing a single code base.

    For example, when you use Flutter for MP development, the codebase can perform both on Android and iOS platforms. So, it would help if you got the subscription-only for Flutter and not two or more tools to support platform-specific features.

  2. Helps target a huge audience base

    When you want to target a large audience base, you cannot do the same with native applications. For example, when you develop an Android OS-specific application, you will be able to target only those users using the Android OS. Similarly, if the application is meant to operate on the web browser, you won’t be able to tap into the mobile user loop.

    From these examples, it’s clear that the user base is highly restricted for native applications. But when we consider hybrid apps, you will get the freedom to target multiple users with the same software. Besides, when you hire Flutter developers, you will have more leverage in doing so.

  3. Offers a native immersive experience

    While native applications have many drawbacks, we cannot deny the immersive user experience. If you develop a hybrid app, it will offer a similar native UX to the users based on the platform they use. For instance, let’s assume you have developed an application for the Android OS and iOS. Now, when an Android OS user uses the application, he can enjoy features concerned with Android only.

    We regard this as an immersive experience that helps build a strong bond with the audience. You can even gain higher customer response owing to the native UI across different platforms.

  4. Increases the app performance

    Native applications cannot offer high-speed performance due to specific server dependencies. They depend on server traffic, load time, downtime, and more. Due to this, the overall user experience will come down. That’s why most enterprises look for hybrid applications.

    These apps do not have a dependency on a single server. Therefore, the performance will be much higher than any other type of application. You won’t have to worry about your users suffering from slowed speed, higher downtime, and reduced load time.

  5. Comes with attractive UI elements

    One of the major advantages you will certainly enjoy while dealing with hybrid applications is the availability of outstanding UI elements. These features are based on current market trends, starting from font options to buttons, clickables, and more.

    Therefore developing hybrid applications with the best features and an intuitive UI won’t be a problem anymore.

  6. Has more number of integrations

    As hybrid app frameworks come with plugins and APIs, you will be able to integrate several third-party applications without worrying about anything. There is no such limitation in terms of integration which is why hybrid apps are preferred most nowadays.

Cons of Building a Hybrid app

  • One of the major drawbacks of hybrid applications is the absence of complex features like animations, custom templates, speech search, and more.
  • You won’t be able to incorporate all features of the native platform, which is why you might have to put limitations on your demands.
  • Most frameworks used for the development of thee hybrid apps are new, and some may come with steep learning curves.

What is Flutter?

In 2017, Google launched its new endeavour in the form of Flutter for hybrid apps. It is a programming platform with which you can easily develop native applications for different platforms. But at the time of development, you need to work on only one code snippet. There is no need to work with different codes specific to the OS but serve the same function.

Flutter has resolved several drawbacks of hybrid app development. This has become so popular amongst different businesses, from startups to enterprises. Flutter for startups may help them turn into a profitable business. Most companies hire professional Flutter developers to ensure that they can launch a next-gen software product to meet market demands. About 42% businesses have used Flutter for their cross-platform mobile apps.

Cross-platform development frameworks usage

  1. Architecture of Flutter

    To understand how Flutter for hybrid apps works, you need to learn its architecture or layering. In the below section, we have explained the flow of control in Flutter for a better understanding before commencing MVP development and the final software development.

    The programs developed with Flutter pack native features need proper embedders. Each embedder is specific to the concerned operating system. Without using an embedder, your application won’t receive an entry to the system. The embedders concern C and C++ languages mainly. Features like thread setup, native plugins, app packaging, render surface setup, and event loop interface are ideal for coming up with the best Flutter app.

    Flutter engine
    The heart of the Flutter platform is its engine. Just the java has the JVM, Flutter engine is responsible for helping you develop the entire framework. Here, you can use the in-built APIs for implementing various features. For example, you can access graphical layouts, plugin architecture, and accessibility entry points. Apart from this, you also have the independence to work on text layouts and compilation toolchains.

    Flutter frameworks
    Unless you know more about the Flutter frameworks, it won’t be possible for you to develop the applications properly. It is the sole interactive medium where you will get classes, packages, plugins, and more such components. There are multiple frameworks arranged in the appropriate hierarchy like:

    • Foundational classes that form the building blocks of a program
    • Rendering framework to design the layout with abstract components
    • The widget layer is suitable for defining a responsive programming architecture with reusable widgets
    • Material libraries come with control components for the iOS development


  2. Hot reloading feature of Flutter

    When expert Flutter developers work on the same piece of code simultaneously, but from remote locations, they can see the changes. Suppose one developer has omitted one line or introduced a new if-else condition. In that case, the changes will be marked instantly and prominently so that all other developers working with it will be notified.

    This feature is termed a hot reload. A developer doesn’t have to execute the codes every time someone wishes to check the codes. Also, there is no need to consider the entire programming to find the right function where you need the change. As the app’s codebase is the same, you can easily create backups for further use.

  3. Other features of Flutter

    • The library of Flutter is highly scalable, and you can add or remove the functions as per the changing requirement of your project.
    • You can integrate multiple IDEs or Integrated Development Environment, which is also new for any hybrid app development framework.
    • The top Flutter developers can localize the application. So, if your app is from Canada, you can make it completely accessible through location options.
    • The Flutter platform comes with a RISC tool with which one can easily incorporate a reduced set of instructions within the concerned application.

What makes flutter ideal for Hybrid app development and why choose Flutter for hybrid apps?

What makes flutter ideal for Hybrid app development and why choose Flutter for hybrid apps_

In this below section, we shall explain why an app development agency usually prefers to use the Flutter framework for hybrid applications.

  • Even though hybrid applications were once restricted to the mobile, Flutter has diversified the concept. Now, you can develop an application for web and mobile, Mac OS and Windows, and so on after you hire best Flutter developers.
  • Flutter comes with outstanding widgets that will help you introduce customization and come up with the perfect application that will meet all your needs.
  • Your application will be scalable, and you can easily change the codes on the fly to meet the market and consumer demands.
  • The hybrid applications on Flutter will be highly secured.


Dart – The Reason Behind the Rising Popularity of Flutter

Dart is a programming language solely used to develop hybrid and cross-platform applications. This language is based on both C and C++ concepts, which is why it is known to be the main driving force of Flutter. Apart from this, you can also develop the fastest applications with high-level performance and native features.

How can SolGuruz help with building Hybrid apps in Flutter?

If you are looking for the best app development company, SolGuruz is here with you. Our expert Flutter developers have completed numerous development projects featuring hybrid solutions. We ensure to move out of the concept of mobile hybrid apps and work on web and mobile combined applications, web hybrid software solutions, and more.

If you are looking for Flutter app development services OR planning to hire experienced Flutter developers, do reach out to us, we will ensure that the final product can meet your business goals easily. It doesn’t matter whether you have a startup or enterprise; we have your needs covered.


Is Flutter cross-platform or hybrid?

Flutter is used for the development of both hybrid and cross-platform applications. You have to use the Dart programming language to write codes on Flutter engine and framework.

Can Flutter be used for enterprise app development?

Yes, Flutter is used for enterprise app development with different features. For instance, you can use plugins to include integrations when needed. You can even save a lot of money on app development.

Is Flutter good for app development?

Flutter is outstanding for the development of hybrid and cross-platform applications. It uses the Google’s Dart programming language and a built-in architecture to ensure that one single codebase has access to different OS platforms.

What is best for the hybrid app development?

Hybrid apps can work with a single code base. They are compatible with different platforms and devices but don’t need different code systems. For the development of hybrid applications, Flutter is the best platform one can use.

Which is the top flutter app development company?

The best flutter app development company in India is SolGuruz. Their team of skilled flutter developers can assist you in expanding your present application. They create scalable, attractive-looking, safe, and robust software using best development techniques and cutting-edge technologies.

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Written by

Paresh Mayani

Paresh is a Co-Founder and CEO at SolGuruz, who has been exploring the software industry's horizon for over 15 years. With extensive experience in mobile, Web and Backend technologies, he has excelled in working closely with startups and enterprises. His expertise in understanding tech has helped businesses achieve excellence over the long run. He believes in giving back to the society, and with that he has founded a community chapter called "Google Developers Group Ahmedabad", he has organised 100+ events and have delivered 150+ tech talks across the world, he has been recognized as one of the top 10 highest reputation points holders for the Android tag on Stack Overflow. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


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