App Development in 2024: Cost, Tech, Maintenance, Factors

Understanding the concept of app development with assistive features, technology stack, cost, maintenance, factors, marketing and many more.

By Lokesh Dudhat

Last updated on: January 7, 2024

App Development Cost, Tech, Maintenance, Factors

The first question the expert app developers team receives from startups and established companies looking to create an online presence is about cost. Knowing how much it costs to build an app is crucial for determining a budget and budgeting. The business’s functionality may determine the cost of developing an app. However, pricing is determined by more than just capability.

This article will discuss what goes into mobile app development expenses and how you may have an influence on your app’s development costs. We’ll also go over the differences between Managed Services, Dedicated and Extended Teams, and the implementation of a project, which is crucial to comprehend what goes into estimating things like mobile app cost and expenses.

What Will It Cost in 2024 to Develop an App?

Some people believe that the cost of developing a mobile app is equivalent to the number of hours a developer spends on coding and development. Such a strategy is a long way from reality. Aside from coding, a project’s development needs the following specialists:

  • Business analysts and project managers compile the project backlog.
  • The solution architect designs the back-end architecture of a project.
  • Quality assurance managers create project functionality checklists to guarantee error-free functionality.
  • Designers work on the layout, prototype, and overall project design.

The tasks mentioned above need experienced professionals who demand a fair fee for their services. Furthermore, your project may need the involvement of many team members. As a result, the cost of your mobile app is heavily influenced by your working hours. Develop a mobile logistics app with connectors, including a warehouse database, an online payment gateway, and booking.

How long does it take to finish a functioning project’s functionalities in your development team? The project manager will use a managed service model to assign a team of three back-ends and two front-end engineers to achieve your deadlines, increasing the cost of your project. The partnership model, as such, is another component that influences the overall project app expenses.

The Cost of Developing Mobile Apps Based on Their Types

Types of Mobile Apps

These are the vast, resource-intensive programs that strive for the most incredible user experience, optimization, and speed of operation. They process a broad range of features while using a variety of device APIs. Because native applications require more personnel in the app design process, they become more costly as the platforms you wish to serve to grow. Business, education, and entertainment applications are the most common types.

  1. Hybrid Apps

    Cross-platform applications are great for reaching a larger audience right away. If the creative process comprises a team and a single code that works across all platforms, the app development and maintenance cost for this app is reduced.

    Cross-platform applications (Except apps built in Flutter), on the other hand, are less optimized; they lack API access and are unable to deliver a user experience comparable to native apps. They’re only suitable for small and medium-sized communication applications like lifestyle or gaming apps.

  2. Database Driven Apps

    Bulk data is required to run these applications, which may be kept on the device itself or in the cloud. Additional capabilities such as a camera, an internet connection, or accessibility to a phone gallery may be necessary for this program to function correctly. Native applications that store data libraries in device memory include a variety of mobile dictionaries and encyclopedias.

  3. Basic Functionality App

    These applications are made in minutes and have few, if any, functionality. As such, they are not available on the app store since they are designed for personal usage. Typically, they are designed to let you browse a topic’s list of questions, where you may click on a question to learn more about it or go to another list.

  4. Firmware/Hardware Dependent Apps

    They connect to a mobile device and are intended to improve their functionality by extending their capabilities. An alarm, spotlights, a camera, and other features are included. AlarmMon, for example, is an app that enables the user to personalize the alarm clock on their smartphone.

  5. Mobile/Gaming Apps

    How much would it cost to develop an app for a game? You must consider its characteristics for this aim. Games might be simple or complex, with 3D visuals and physics, worldwide rankings, augmented reality support, and social network integration. In other words, developing more advanced game software may be costly. Gaming applications are the most popular and, of course, the most profitable.

How is the cost of app development estimated?

App features are specific actions or operations that the program must do to get the desired outcome. An easy way to join up is to put a signup button on a screen, but it may also include video streaming integration. The cost of developing an app is directly related to the number of features and the complexity of its implementation. The following is the formula for calculating the cost of app development:


Before beginning custom app development, most reputable software development and app development companies will provide you with an estimate of how much it will cost to construct a mobile app. The quotation is based on the details of your project and your business and technical needs. This data is compiled into a preliminary feature list.

Companies often use the following formulas to estimate app development costs:

  • Concepts – provide a collection of characteristics that must be achieved.
  • Stories – construct a list of all the characteristics required to create a notion.
  • Story Points – demonstrate the speed and complexity of app development.

These things are shown as a product backlog. Many other types of activities may be included in a team’s product backlog. These include new features, improvements to existing features, bug repairs, infrastructure modifications, and other types of work. The following alternatives are used to charge customers for app development services:

Fixed Cost – a payment that denotes the price charged for a given time. Smaller projects, particularly those with a well-defined scope of work, may benefit from this approach. The benefit of this approach is that app development costs are agreed upon with the customer before work begins.

Time & material – a price system that is defined by the amount of time and materials required for a project, which is commonly computed on an hourly basis.  This technique allows for more flexibility throughout the app development process and is appropriate for more complicated and ongoing projects.

Even if you are hesitant, it is critical to grasp the advantages of using the time and material choice.The freedom to adjust initial quotes and scopes during a project helps keep costs down and produce products that people  want to use over and over again.

Stages of App Development

Step by Step Guide to Mobile App Development Process

App development expenses aren’t complete until you know what each step of the process costs and how much time is spent on each one. The five primary phases of software development are commonly grouped into five categories. Let’s look at how each step affects the total cost of developing an app.

  1. Analytical And Planning Stage

    The analytical and planning stages are referred to as the discovery stage. For many businesses, it’s the initial step toward developing an app. According to Clutch’s data, 70% of organizations begin by researching and planning their projects. A product owner, a business analyst, a UX/UI designer, and a software architect are often involved in this phase.

    • Market research and competitive analysis are essential.
    • Identifying prospective users’ problems and how the app may help.
    • The development of app visualization prototypes.
    • Organizing all of the stages involved in app development and creating a timetable.

    The discovery step may cost anything from $5,000 to $25,000. Planning and analysis require 2–5 weeks for the overwhelming majority of projects.

  2. Design Of User Experience and User Interfaces

    As the name suggests, this phase of mobile app development is about developing user flows, figuring out how users will interact with your app, and designing the user interface itself. A user-friendly product that’s simple to use and relevant to the user’s needs is vital at this phase.

    The cost of designing an app ranges from $5,000 to $50,000. The amount you will be required to pay will be determined by the number of screens that need to be built and the general complexity of the application.

  3. Mobile App Development

    What is the price of developing an app? As you can see, various variables may influence the cost of developing a mobile app either way. The typical cost of developing an app is between $5,000 and $10,000. This price involves creating the first and most basic version of an app without a backend. Companies often spend $20,000-$30,000 for development.

  4. Deployment And App Testing

    The cost of app development also covers the stages of testing and deploying the app to the market. App development requires extensive testing and quality assurance. This phase ensures that your program is ready for clients, free of bugs, and delivers an excellent user experience.

    You should expect to spend somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 for QA services and testing for your app. As you can see, determining ‘how much does it cost to design an app?’ is difficult due to several influencing elements. It depends on the feature’s complexity, the location you choose to outsource to, and the organization you deal with.

    An app’s development timeframe is shown below the cost ranges:

    • The qualities of a simple app mean that an app with no additional value is created. A simple app has just the essential functionalities required for the app to work and minimal design and user interface components. The product is only available on one of the following platforms: iOS, Android, or the web. A calculator app is a good example.
    • The complete product is a mid-level app on one platform with more sophisticated features and design and specific distinguishing characteristics that set it apart from rivals. It allows the app to be represented on a single platform, such as the McDonald’s loyalty app.
    • A complicated app is a high-end solution that offers a comprehensive user experience across a few platforms. This software is a work in progress with several functions and users, more UI components, and functionality such as online streaming, multi-user conversations, etc., Uber, YouTube, and other complicated apps are examples of complex apps.

App Maintenance cost in 2024

App Maintenance Cost

The cost of mobile app creation includes a maintenance component, just like any other program. The industry standard for software maintenance is around 15-20% of the initial development cost. When it comes to keeping an app up-to-date and running, it costs money to host, monitor, interact, sell and license the app.

  1. Hosting

    When calculating the cost of a mobile app’s backend data hosting, it’s essential to know what kind of data the app is dealing with. A webserver with a higher CPU, more RAM, and more disk space would be required for a media-rich app. Depending on various variables, a web server for app hosting might cost anywhere from $70 to $320 per month. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are the top web hosting providers from which to pick.

  2. Monitoring

    The success of a mobile application is highly dependent on its ability to be monitored. Sign up for one of the mobile analytics services suggested in this guide if you want to keep track of your app’s performance. For this reason, it’s impossible to provide even a rough estimate for the cost of mobile app monitoring, but after you contact the organizations on our list, be sure to acquire a reasonable range for your costs for this app maintenance cost.

  3. Marketing and Engagement

    Many factors contribute to the expense of a mobile app’s marketing strategy, including efforts to engage the app’s audience. Any mobile app engagement starts with an app install, and the amount an app marketer spends for that install varies by nation, platform (iOS/Android), and ad unit.

    The iOS CPI (Cost-Per-Install) in 2021 was $3.6 per app install, whereas the Android CPI was just $1.22 per app install. As we become more specific, we may speak about an aggregate mobile app user purchase cost from an available app install instance to the desired activity the app user is anticipated to do.

  4. App Updates

    Every mobile app that has ever been launched on an app store (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.) must be updated after its release. A flawless app can’t be built with version 1.0, but subsequent updates are an excellent way to keep your app’s user base interested and actively involved.

    The time it takes to produce an update varies greatly and depends on the app’s complexity. An actual update release in an app store may take roughly one hour; however, the time it takes to build an update varies significantly and is dependent on the app’s complexity.

  5. Licenses

    Using a technology that requires a developer to pay a licensing fee may considerably raise the cost of developing mobile apps. Yearly fees determine the cost of a license, the number of devices, and other factors. For example, a licensing charge for 50 devices may cost $120,000 each year.

Influential Factors in App Development

  • App’s objective and functionality – what a mobile application will genuinely be able to perform for its consumers.
  • Supported mobile platforms and devices – if an app will be built only for iOS or include an Android version, several different types and models of mobile devices may be used.
  • Points of integration – the app’s content will come from third-party applications if it is integrated with them.
  • Visual Objects – the cost of an app is heavily influenced by the complexity of visual elements within it.
  • Using smartphone hardware – when considering if an app will use smartphone capabilities like GPS, NFC, motion co-processors, Augmented Reality technology, and other technologies loaded inside smartphones or tablet computers.
  • Plan of action for maintenance – after a project is completed, the developer will almost probably need to make updates to fix faults or add new features.

According to the average or usual expenses of app development projects, we may apply these benchmarks to various applications. These figures are based on data from several firms that have calculated these app development expenses based on their research into client projects.

How long would it take to create an app?

How long would it take to create an App

After going through all the procedures for determining your app development costs, you may be curious. The length of time it takes to design an app is proportional to the number of features you wish to include. If you have a larger budget, you may engage more developers to produce your app, reducing the time it takes.

Another element to examine is the team’s level of competence and experience. The time will be shorter, and the budget will be more significant if your team comprises senior developers. For a development team to be effective, it must include at least three members: a front-end, a back-end developer, and a project manager.

In this scenario, producing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) version typically takes between four and six weeks. The following step, namely scaling, begins once the product has been introduced and proven in the market. Depending on how well it performs, these additional features might take months or even years to add to the product.

How SolGuruz can help you with App Development in 2024

It’s difficult for established companies and startups to plan budgets for their mobile applications. When developing an application, the cost depends on several factors, such as what kind of development platform you choose and where you are located. If you want to construct applications with the highest attention, pixel flawless UI design, and quick turnaround, approach SolGuruz for the same. SolGuruz is an expert flutter app development company in India, having expert mobile developers, expert flutter developers, expert ReactJs developers, expert node developers in-house.

SolGuruz has been recognized as one of Top Custom Software Development Companies by Clutch

You can also approach them to use flutter for app development to create an app for e-learning, real-estate, music player and for various other domains. We hope that our advice has assisted you in estimating your app development expenses and understanding what elements to consider when selecting a software development partner. We also hope you have a good idea of how much it will cost to create an app in 2022.


State the crucial stages of app development?

The crucial stages of application development include strategy development with core analysis and planning. Post-planning, implementing the customized UX/UI designs with the app development, is followed by testing and advanced back-end and front-end support.

What is the cost of an app development concerning its licensing and marketing?

The app development cost for licensing can vary according to the type of the application. On average, it may cost $120,000 for 50 devices. Downloads and the number of devices influence this cost. An average marketing cost for an iOS app is $3.6 per app install, and for android, it is $1.22 per app install.

What is the estimated time for average app development?

The estimated time depends upon the number of features, customization, and requirements you need in your application. The time also varies with the number of app developers developing a specific application.

What factors affect the cost of apps during development?

There are multiple factors that affect the cost of apps. The different types of technologies that the developers use and the paygrade of the team do affect the project cost. Besides that, the complexity of the app, the platform it would release on, and additional fixes that are necessary to complete can affect the cost.

What is the average cost of outsourcing mobile app development?

Besides getting reliable developers from a top app development company, outsourcing the project benefits companies during app development. The average cost here ranges between USD 30,000 and USD 50,000.

Which is the top flutter app development company in India?

SolGuruz is one of the top flutter app development company in India. We have in-house team of expert flutter developers who can assist you in expanding your existing application or help you in converting your ideas into the application. We create scalable, attractive-looking, safe, and robust software using best development techniques and industry level coding standards.

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Written by

Lokesh Dudhat

Lokesh is a Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SolGuruz, a senior technical consultant with over 10 years of experience in exploring the horizon of the software development industry. He has worked closely with startups and enterprises, mentoring them in engineering their tech solutions. With a hands-on experience of 10+ years as a developer, he has delivered solutions using a wide range of technologies such as iOS, Android, Angular, Node, RTC, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, and many more. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


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