How Much Does Eldercare App Development Cost?

The cost of eldercare app development varies depending on app complexity, platform choice, and design. Simple apps have basic features, while complex apps include AI-powered features and integrations, impacting costs.

By Paresh Mayani

Last updated on: October 17, 2024

How Much Does Eldercare App Development Cost

As you know, the world population is rising and aging rapidly, and so is the demand for elderly care apps.

We are not saying this; the WHO says, “Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%.” so, now you might agree that apps for older adults are a point of discussion. The elderly care apps market is expected to grow by a 10% compound annual growth rate

Okay! But

Now that we have the stats, the senior care app can significantly improve healthcare outcomes by having technology-driven and advanced features. 

This blog is dedicated to providing a complete breakdown of the eldercare app cost. We will also discuss the various factors influencing app complexity, platform choice, design, backend development, etc, for the eldercare app development cost. 

Factors Influencing Eldercare App Development Cost

Factors Influencing Eldercare App Development Cost

The cost of application for elderly people depends upon the various factors essential for the app’s functioning and its complexity. Understanding these factors is crucial for planning and budgeting for an eldercare app. 

Here are crucial elements that impact the eldercare app cost:

  1. App Complexity

    When developing the best apps for older adults, the app can be simple with basic features or highly complex with advanced functionalities. 

    The App’s complexity is directly proportional to the cost of app development. 

    • Simple Eldercare Apps: These apps for elderly care include straightforward and basic features like reminders for medication, appointments, emergency contacts, and tracking of various activities. Such apps have low development costs.
    • Moderately Complex Eldercare Apps: Such applications offer more features than the basic ones, like remote monitoring, social connections, and integration with wearable devices. These apps are slightly costlier than the simple eldercare apps.
    • Complex Eldercare Apps: These elderly care apps incorporate advanced features like AI-powered features, virtual companionship, and support for integration with multiple healthcare tools. They require significant development efforts and have high development costs.

    Build the Perfect Eldercare App for Your Needs

  2. Features and Functionality

    The specific features and functionality also govern the cost of developing an app for elderly care. Features like real-time location tracking, video calls, and advanced analytics require more complex development. 

  3. Platform Choice

    As a top custom healthcare software development company, we put this factor at the top.

    Everything begins and revolves around the platform you choose to build an elderly care app. Whether you select iOS or Android or want to make a cross-platform application for elderly people – it all costs different. 

    Developing native apps for each platform would be more expensive. At the same time, cross-platform development frameworks can offer cost savings, but they come with certain limitations in features compared to native apps and performance.

  4. Planning and Research

    Just as the platform selection has a role in the cost of the eldercare app, so do planning and research too! 

    Planning and research include defining the app goals, target audience, key features, and monetization strategy. Studying competitors’ apps and gathering feedback from potential (beta) users can help refine the app’s overall concept and existence.

  5. Design and User Experience 

    Now that we understand the role platform, the Design and User Experience comes next. A well-designed and user-friendly interface is crucial for eldercare apps. 

    Senior-friendly design considerations, such as clear, simple, large fonts, intuitive navigation, and high-contrast colors, can increase the cost of the eldercare app.
    It is essential to conduct thorough user research and testing to ensure the apps meet seniors’ needs and preferences. 

  6. Backend Development

    You need solid backend development for the apps for senior caregivers, as it has to handle data storage, management, and API integrations. 

    The complexity of the backend infrastructure, including database choices, server requirements, and API integrations, can significantly impact development costs. 

  7. Third-Party Integrations

    While discussing the eldercare app cost, how can we forget about third-party integrations?  Yes, the elderly app must be integrated with services like payment gateways and wearable devices, and healthcare providers can add to the development cost. 

    Also, the eldercare app is required to communicate with other systems, and API integration is necessary. The process involves using existing or developing APIs to exchange data and functionality between app components.

  8. Security and Compliance

    While there is much more under the umbrella of custom healthcare software development services, you must recognize an eldercare app’s security and compliance requirements. 

    For an eldercare app, HIPPA or GDPR compliance is necessary. Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with regulations can increase the cost of the eldercare app.

  9. Testing and Quality Assurance

    When it comes to developing an app, it is complete with specific testing. It includes:

    • Unit Testing,
    • Integration Testing,
    • User Acceptance Testing,
    • And Security Testing.

    Such testing ensures the app’s functionality, reliability, and security. 

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  10. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

    Now that we are discussing all the essential features affecting eldercare app cost – the maintenance and updates of the ongoing app play a crucial role, too. 

    The eldercare app requires regular maintenance and updates to address bugs, improve performance, and add new features. These may add up to the cost of development. 

Cost Comparison: In-House vs. Outsourced Development

Now that we have understood the factors affecting the eldercare app cost, let’s jump directly to the cost comparison. Just like any other app development process – there are two options for apps for older people. 

  1. In-House Development

    As the name suggests, you need to hire and set up your own team to build a senior care app in this category. And there are specific pros and cons of it.


    • As a healthcare organization, you will have complete control over the development process. 
    • Also, you can ensure that the app’s goal remains aligned with company values and culture.
    • It is best suited for potential long-term savings.


    • There are high upfront costs to set up the in-house team as you, as a healthcare organization, need to hire experts. 
    • There could be potential delays due to internal resource constraints.
  2. Outsourcing to an Agency

    Another option is to hire a custom healthcare software development company like SolGuruz.


    • As an organization, you will have access to specialized expertise and resources.
    • The app development time will be reduced, and the overhead costs will also be low.


    • There will need to be more control over the overall development process.
    • There might be challenges with the communication between the internal team and the agency. 
    • Agency Fees and Engagement Models: The agency fees vary depending on the size, experience, and location. You can collaborate with agencies based on fixed price, time, and material or hire a dedicated team for custom healthcare software development services.
  3. Hiring Freelancers

    Last but not least, there is an option for hiring freelancers. 


    • Hiring freelancers is flexible and cost-effective.
    • You have access to the global talent pool.


    • There might be potential quality control issues.
    • There is a high risk of delays or cancellations.
    • You may face specific project management tools.

    Freelancers Rate: Hiring a freelancer for an eldercare app varies depending upon the developer’s location, experience, and skill set. 

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Hidden Costs to Consider

Now that we have described everything you need to remember when it comes to the cost of the eldercare app. Here are some Hidden costs that might affect your total budget. But that is different when you collaborate with us for the eldercare app. 

  • App Store Fees 

    When the eldercare app development is done, and it is time to deploy it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store – they will charge a certain amount of fees for submissions and sales.

  • Licensing and Compliance

    As we have discussed earlier, developing an elderly care app requires certain compliances and licensing, which might incur certain additional costs. 

  • Marketing and Promotion

    To make the senior care app popular, you must spend additional money on marketing and promotion. This might add up your eldercare app cost.

  • Data Storage and Hosting

    Now, when the app is live, and a bunch of users are using the app by having registrations or subscriptions to the senior care app – you need to consider the cost of storing and hosting. 

    This amount can vary depending on the amount of data and the chosen provider.

Cost-Saving Tips for Eldercare App Development

Regarding the best apps for old people, here are some top cost-saving tips for optimizing the eldercare app cost.

  • Prioritize Features and Functionality

    To reduce the development cost of apps for older people, focus on the most essential features and functionality.

    As discussed earlier in the factors, choose a cross-platform development model instead of having separate apps for each platform. This will not only save money but also reduce development time.

  • Opt for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Approach

    Always opt for a Minimum Viable Development (MVP) before launching the app. With the basic app version with core features, you can iterate based on user feedback.

  • Consider Outsourcing or Freelancers for Specific Tasks

    If you already have an in-house team and cannot meet the overhead expenses, consider outsourcing to agencies or freelancers-specific tasks to reduce costs.

Long-Term ROI of Investing in an Eldercare App

Now that you have all the information about elderly app costs, here are some potential benefits that can provide a long-term return on investment.

  1. Potential Revenue Streams

    As a healthcare organization, when you have developed an eldercare app, there are potential revenue streams like:

    • Subscription models,
    • In-app purchases,
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Partnerships with healthcare providers, etc.
  2. Benefits of Elderly Care Apps For The Healthcare Providers

    With elderly care apps, there are ample benefits to the healthcare providers:

    • Improved Patient Engagement

      Patient engagement will be improved through effective and timely communication between patients and healthcare providers.  Also health outcomes will be improved due to features like regular and timely reminders for medications, future appointments, scans, and self-care activities.

    • Reducing operational cost

      When you have a senior care app, it will help you to optimize the resources with insights into patients’ needs.

      The burden on the administrative staff will be considerably reduced by automating specific tasks such as scheduling, medication engagement, data entry, etc.

    • Enhancing care Quality

      Elderly care apps can monitor the patient’s vital signs, symptoms, and activity by making early disease trackdown and early treatment possible.

      A reputation for providing high-quality care can attract more patients and improve the overall standing of healthcare providers. 

  3. Market Potential

    There is a vast market potential for the following reasons regarding elderly care apps.

    • Aging Population
    • Rising Healthcare costs
    • Technological Advancement
    • Change is consumer behavior

Build the Best Eldercare App with SolGuruz Experts


So, that is it for the eldercare app cost. Developing such an app involves careful planning, design, and development. Various features can affect the price of a senior care app, like the app’s complexity, choice of platform, development model, etc. 

Understanding critical factors influencing cost and considering hidden expenses enables you to make informed decisions about your eldercare app development. 

Investing in an app for elderly people significantly benefits seniors and healthcare providers. By utilizing the technology and providing innovative ideas, eldercare apps have the potential to impact society at large positively. 


1. What are the average costs of developing a simple, moderately complex, and complex Senior care app?

Well, as we have already discussed, the development of an elderly care app varies significantly; here is some rough estimate: Simple Apps: $20,000 - $30000, Moderate Apps: $30,000 - $50,000, Complex Apps: Greater than $50,000

2. How much does designing an eldercare app with a user-friendly interface for seniors cost?

Designing a user-friendly eldercare app can cost a minimum of $2000 and a maximum of $10000.

3. What are the ongoing maintenance and update costs for an eldercare app?

The ongoing maintenance and update costs would be around 300$ to 1000$ for an eldercare app.

4. What are the ongoing maintenance and update costs for an eldercare app?

The ongoing maintenance and update costs would be around 300$ to 1000$ for an eldercare app.

5. What is the cost difference between in-house development and outsourcing an eldercare app?

The cost difference between having an in-house development team and outsourcing an eldercare app varies significantly. The in-house team will have a more upfront cost, but it would be cost-effective in the long run. Outsourcing can be more cost-effective throughout the project life cycle.

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Written by

Paresh Mayani

Paresh is a Co-Founder and CEO at SolGuruz, who has been exploring the software industry's horizon for over 15 years. With extensive experience in mobile, Web and Backend technologies, he has excelled in working closely with startups and enterprises. His expertise in understanding tech has helped businesses achieve excellence over the long run. He believes in giving back to the society, and with that he has founded a community chapter called "Google Developers Group Ahmedabad", he has organised 100+ events and have delivered 150+ tech talks across the world, he has been recognized as one of the top 10 highest reputation points holders for the Android tag on Stack Overflow. At SolGuruz, we believe in delivering a combination of technology and management. Our commitment to quality engineering is unwavering, and we never want to waste your time or ours. So when you work with us, you can rest assured that we will deliver on our promises, no matter what.


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